主 讲 人:Dr. Beth Gulley
时 间:2017年5月12日(周五) 上午09:00
地 点:西北工业大学友谊校区老图书馆教师教学发展中心219室
联 系 人:杨 颖 88302838
Active Learning Workshop: Classroom Assessment Techniques
Classroom assessment techniques, or CATs, provide instructors with “just in time” feedback about what their students know and still need to learn. Most CATs don’t take much class time, but they provide the teacher with very valuable information about what points of instruction might need more clarification. These techniques were popularized by Tom Angelo and Patricia Cross in their book
Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, and are now widely implemented across subjects and levels. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use
Stop, Start, and Continue, What Is the Muddiest Point?, Directed Paraphrasing, and Application Cards. Furthermore, participants in this workshop will leave with a collection of other techniques and resources for teaching with CATs.
Beth Gulley,美国籍,毕业于堪萨斯大学,专业为英语/非母语英语课程与教学。2007年至今,在美国堪萨斯州Johnson社区学院担任英语副教授,教授英语写作、介绍文学和小说,从事新教师培训等工作。
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