老外穿汉服 穿越回唐朝|Foreigners wear Hanfu to travel back to Tang Dynasty

汉服是中国“衣冠上国”、“礼仪之邦”、“锦绣中华”的体现,传承了30多项中国非物质文化遗产以及受保护的中国工艺美术。来自塞尔维亚的Jasper在古都西安,身穿华美汉服,体验穿越千年梦回大唐的奇妙感受。(记者:赵辉 实习生 乔瑾 杨智茹)

Hanfu is the embodiment of China's "Dress the country", "State of etiquette", "Splendid China", inheriting more than 30 Chinese intangible cultural heritage and protected Chinese arts and crafts. In the ancient capital city-Xi 'an, Jasper, from Serbia, dressed in gorgeous Hanfu, experienced the wonderful feeling of dreaming back to the Tang Dynasty through the Millennium.


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